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If you're practicing but not seeing results, here's the thing:

It's not really about right or wrong technique - 

great voices are built, not educated.

It doesn't need to be so technical...

The Five Fundamentals of Singing (TFF) is a vocal coaching method that takes a different approach to the question of "how to sing better". 


Singing teachers focus so much on technique without ever considering how well your instrument is actually built. They may tell you, "your voice is your instrument" but they'll just give you scales like everyone else.

Technique is necessary but, if you were a guitarist, how much would technique matter if the neck

of your guitar was warped? You'd want to do something about your guitar before sorting out your fingers.

The same idea applies to your vocal instrument.


I'll show you what I mean with a quick look at Fundamental One:


People spend a lot of time learning correct breathing technique but barely make any progress. This is because poor breath control is firstly a strength and structural integrity issue. Structural integrity is kind of like posture but a more nuanced and not so old-fashioned concept.

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Notice the expansive rib cages and "posture" of these famous singers. If you want to sing your best, your torso should be set up in a way that can accommodate good breath management.


In order to get you looking and sounding as good as the singers above, I do a strength training program (yes, like planks and stuff) specifically tailored for singers.


If you find that no matter how much you practice, you just can't seem to get your voice working the way you want it to, this just might be the answer you're looking for.


You can build an instrument like the ones you see above!

Check out the free outline below where I introduce you to the other four fundamentals. Here we have a look at the set up of a great vocal instrument as well as the other key elements of a great voice.

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Find out about:

How some of the most important aspects of creating a good voice can be trained when you're not even singing (allowing for much quicker improvement)

Why strength training for your body is one of the best things you can do for your voice

The role that the facial muscles and jaw play in the production of great tone and resonance

Why just singing scales week on week is one of the least effective ways to improve your voice

How pitch isn't high or low, the vocal break is a mythical beast, head and chest voice are an illusion

...and much more

Are the Five Fundamentals all I need to develop to get a great voice?

...yes and no.

It all depends on where you're at. Your fabled 10,000 hours still matters but for many aspiring singers, it's not about time (because you're already putting in tons of it) but about figuring out which fundamental needs strengthening.

To use the First Fundamental as an example again: you may have struggled with breathing technique for a long time. In this case, all it'll take is a few months of TFF style strength training and you're well on the way to fixing the vast majority of your vocal concerns.


If you already know a bit about singing, and you can hear the notes in your head but just can't seem to make them sound out loud the way they sound inside, then the above scenario probably applies to you.


It's not necessarily about what you're doing wrong, it's more likely about what fundamental is missing or in need of building up a bit.

Fundamental I
The Singer's Core

Forget about complicated breathing techniques and outdated notions of posture. Smart strength training is the key to building the body a singer needs. It's the foundation of a great voice.

Fundamental ll
The Animated Face

Like your body, your facial musculature should be strong and active. This is the other key physical component of a strong, vibrant, captivating voice.

Single-Point Singing

High notes are an illusion. When you sing "up and down" you interfere with the natural mechanics of the throat. A melody should not feel like a roller coaster ride or an elevator going up and down.

Fundamental lll
Fundamental lV
The Self-Focused Voice

99% of aspiring singers do what I call "subconscious karaoke". Meaning: you are most likely recalling a famous recording of a song you're singing, as opposed to purely performing the melody as yourself.

Fundamental V
The Primary Functions

Head and chest voice are another vocal illusion. We communicate through Primary Vocal Functions - which are kind of like the primary colors of your voice. Download the outline to find out more about the primary functions.


A vocal coach should be judged the same way as a personal trainer

I believe that as a general rule, anyone who claims to have a system that gets results, should be able to show that that system got results for them first.


For example: If a personal trainer was telling you how to get a six-pack but they couldn't display one themselves, you probably wouldn't want to trust their "expertise" nor take them seriously.

A vocal coach that can't or won't show you their voice is like that personal trainer without a six-pack. 


As the creator of TFF, if I can't demonstrate to you that I have a decent voice, then who am I to claim that my training methods are legit?

So before you believe anything I say about singing, I offer you the chance to hear my voice. And if you don't like what you hear, then I've just saved you some time and money to take elsewhere...

You're welcome!


I don't claim to be the greatest singer the world has ever heard - what I can claim though, is that I went from painfully slow, barely noticeable progress to predictable, consistent results once I'd discovered these fundamentals - and I can offer you the same results.

Have a listen here.


If you're already ready to get started on your way to a better voice and want advice tailored to your specific situation, head on over to the lessons page for all the details. Any general questions, get in touch using the contact form below.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Hey, I'm Cam.

I never intended to develop a vocal training system but I'd spent years getting no results through conventional vocal coaching, so I just decided to take things into my own hands and try to solve my vocal issues through sheer trial and error and by not limiting my learning to the singing realm. These things that have become the Five Fundamentals were initially just the five things that finally got results for my voice after nothing else would. After I realized that I had seriously improved my voice in novel ways, I thought that others might be interested in this approach, so here it is! 


(You can find out more here).

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